One of the more rewarding aspects of the business is to see the difference we make in the lives of the most vulnerable.  In this regard, Six Square Limited supports the Seeds In His Garden (SIHG) children’s home (LINK) based in Isinya.

A chance meeting at a children’s Taekwondo camp in 2015 has evolved into a contractual relationship where SIHG grows produce for Six Square customers, and in turn receive produce from Six Square for the children’s kitchen.  The proceeds from produce sales assist with expenses at the home and, produce eg exotic fruits that are excess within the Six Square Packhouse is then donated free of charge to the children’s kitchen, and this reduces the amount of waste generated by the pack house.

Through this partnership, we have a consistent supply of the produce and SIHG has an assured market for what they grow, a variable that most times causes farmers to make losses in their business.

In 2022, Six Square provided technical support to the home that resulted in their attaining certification to the KS 1758 Code of Practice for Horticulture, a Kenyan standard that stipulates the hygienic and safety requirements during the production, handling and marketing of flowers & Ornamentals, fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices.  It also provides guidelines for good agriculture production and sustainable environmental and labor practices.  SIHG was among the first entities to receive this certification in Kenya, and assures customers that their produce meets the highest standard of food safety in the country.